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Birthday Party Games/ Ideas

1. Do you know the birthday girl/boy?  Ask questions about the birthday child and have their friends answer them to win a small prize (a good game to do while they are sitting waiting for food to be served or while they are eating to keep them in their chairs)


2.  On the first birthday do a hand print of the birthday child and on each finger ask for a "fact" about the birthday child....birthdate, birth weight, birth heigh, etc..  Whoever gets the most correct answers gets a prize.


3.  Take plastic cups and decorate them with stickers.  then pile them to make towers and let the kids knock them down (this is great for infants/toddlers)


4.  Blow up a large photo that all of the people attending the birthday part can sign


5. For birthday parties for younger children-  have the guests (who are usually adults) write down a wish for the birthday child and seal them all in an envelope. Then years later the birthday child can open the envelope and read all the wishes made for them!

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